Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement is sometimes called breast augmentation, breast enhancement or 'boob job'.  Breast augmentation surgery will increase or restore your breast size by using silicone breast implants or in some cases, fat transfer. Breast enlargements are one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures,  they have a long and successful track record in helping women who wish to enhance or restore balance to their figures.

Breast Enlargement At A Glance

Operation time

1 hour



Hospital stay

Day case


Shower after 1 day


1-2 weeks


4 weeks

Back to work

1-2 weeks

Full Recovery

4 - 6 weeks

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Enlargement

Is breast enlargement suitable for me?

You are more likely to benefit from a breast enlargement if you have one or more of the following conditions:

  • You are self-conscious about your breast size
  • Your breasts have become smaller or less shapely following pregnancy or breastfeeding or if you've lost a lot of weight
  • One breast is noticeably smaller than the other (breast asymmetry)

Mr Sawyer will carry out a detailed assessment with you before deciding if cosmetic surgery is suitable for you.  This includes taking photos for your records.  He will examine your breasts and ask you questions about your medical history.

Let Mr Sawyer know if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the future. Pregnancy can change the size and shape of your breasts and may affect the long-term results of surgery.

How do I choose the breast implant?

Breast implants come in a huge variety of different sizes and shapes. The breast implant can either be round all teardrop (anatomical) shaped. The breast implant size is determined by the volume in cubic centimetres (cc). There is a huge range from 100-800 cc. The size of the implants used is determined on many factors. A person with a smaller frame will need less volume to achieve the same cup size compared to a person with a large frame.

If there is a significant difference in breast size Mr sawyer may use different sized implants to make the breasts match each other better.

Mr Sawyers preferred implant manufacturer is Sebbin. They have been manufacturing breast implants for almost 30 years. The vigilance of Sebbin Breast Implants shows rupture and capsular contracture rates of less than 1% in implants 9 years after implantation. Sebbin breast implants have a warranty.  

If you prefer to use an alternative implant manufacturer, please discuss this with Mr Sawyer at the consultation.

How do I choose the size of the breast implant?

One of the key factors in determining the success of the augmentation is getting the right size of breast implant for the patient.  Too small and patients feel that they will not have benefitted from the breast enlargement.  Too large and the breast implants will look unnatural and will not fit the frame of the patient. Also, clothing will not fit properly, and the heaviness of the breast implants can predispose to premature drooping of the breasts.  There are no ideal ways in which to find the right size.

At the initial consultation, Mr Sawyer will suggest a suitable range of sizes, based on your specific wishes and also your figure.  

Breast implant size is determined in two ways:

  • Breast implant sizers of various volumes which can be tested in your bra to give you a feel of what size suits you best.
  • Crisalix, a virtual reality simulation app. Mr Sawyer will also use the 3D Cristalix system. He will take a 3-D image of your chest using an iPad camera. Once the analysis is complete, he can show you the post-operative results using different implants.  This is now a vital tool in helping decide the best implant for you.

 It is often useful bringing along someone to help you in deciding which size is best for you.

Do I need a breast uplift?

Mild droopiness can be improved by breast augmentation surgery. If your breasts are droopy but the right size for you, you can have a breast-uplift operation without a breast implant. This surgery is called a mastopexy.

How is it best to sleep?

Initially many breast enlargement patients find it too uncomfortable to sleep on their side or front, preferring to sleep on their back. This discomfort will settle after two to three weeks.  Patients that like to sleep on their front may find some difficulty due to the presence of their new breasts, however lying on them after two or three weeks will not cause any problem.

Can I drive after breast enlargement surgery?

For the first week following breast enlargement surgery patients are advised not to drive as the safety belt may put undue pressure on your breasts and also because you will not be able to react properly in the event of an emergency stop.

What is involved in the procedure?

The breast enlargement operation is performed under a general anaesthetic and usually takes about 60 - 90 minutes. There is a one-night stay in the hospital.  

 The breast implant will be placed through a cut on the crease under your breast (inframammary fold).

Mr Sawyer will usually want to place the breast implant directly behind your breast to give the most natural result.  However, if you do not have enough breast skin and tissue to cover the implant, Adam may recommend placing your breast implant behind the pectoral muscle that is behind your breast.   This prevents the outline of the implants from being noticeable.

Usually, a drain (tube) is used in the pocket to drain away fluid that can sometimes collect. These drains are usually removed on the day of discharge. The cut is then closed with dissolvable stitches, leaving the drain in place.

To give your new breasts support, we will fit you with a supportive bra at the end of the operation.

What is the aftercare?

Usually, you will go home either on the day of breast enlargement surgery or the next morning. It is important to wear a supportive sports bra for the first six weeks following the procedure.

Usually, you will be seen by one of Mr Sawyer's nurses around 6 to 9 days after the breast enlargement to check and review you. At this time dressings may be removed or replaced.

Mr Sawyer arranges a follow-up appointment at 4 to 8 weeks following the breast enlargement procedure.

What sort of bra should I use after surgery?

Breast enlargement patients are advised to wear a sports bra as soon as possible following breast enlargement surgery.  The sports bra should be kept on for six weeks, both day and night.  The purpose of the sports bra is to offer gentle pressure around the breast which helps the breast implant settle in and also keeps it in the right position.  After six weeks, normal bras can be worn including under-wired ones.

 We can give you advice on which bras are recommended.

What can I realistically expect from the operation?

Breast enlargement increases the size of your breast but it does not necessarily correct pre-existing problems.  Patients with breasts that have a large gap between them will still have a gap (though it's often smaller).  In this case, if the breast implants are placed closer to each other the implant edge may become visible and the nipple won't be centred on the breast.  Similarly, patients with breasts that point outwards will still have the same configuration after breast augmentation.

No one has perfectly symmetrical breasts, and in any individual, their breasts will frequently have slight differences in size, shape and nipple position. Additionally, you may have small differences in your chest wall muscles and rib cage shape on either side.  These differences would usually be identified during the initial consultation and the effect on the final outcome discussed.  For patients with significant differences in their nipple position, this may become more noticeable after breast enlargement. In which case it may be appropriate to perform a nipple repositioning procedure.  For patients with size differences, a small amount of tissue could be removed from the larger breast or different sized breast implants could be used.

Price Range for Breast Enlargement

From £7800


 Book your 3d Now 

Mr Sawyer performed a Breast Augmentation on me back in October. I am over the moon with my results. Mr Sawyer is a lovely man, listened to what I wanted and gave advice, answered any concerns that I had. Explained in detail about what he was going to do. Aftercare was fantastic, I would definitely recommend Mr Sawyer to anyone who wants a breast augmentation, my boobs look fantastic!!

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